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Newsletter March #10

We knew that March would be a busy month and it kept its promise! Here is a quick overview of what happened in the last few weeks and what’s on the agenda for April.

Start of our crowdfunding campaign While we are still looking for a title sponsor to complete our budget, we started this month our crowdfunding campaign. The objective is to pay for the « green side » of our project: the electric motor, batteries and solar panels. Thanks to the Fosburit website, it’s very easy to contribute and get onboard so please share this link.

Galileo soon back in the water For each project, relaunching the boat after a refit is always an exciting moment and it is coming soon for us since we’re aiming at the first week of April. To make this happen, our small team is working 7 days a week, we cannot thank everyone enough. The rig, fittings and hardware were removed, dismantled and checked and each element is now back onboard with some new additions thanks to our partners Oceanvolt who supplied the electric motor and Super B the batteries. Conrad, of course, is really looking forward to this « It’s starting to look like a boat again and I find it extremely motivating to know I’ll soon be back on the water ».

Heading for the USA After relaunching Galileo, the schedule is intense: 1500 miles solo qualifier for Conrad (last step to be officially qualified for the Vendée Globe) followed by a crewed delivery to Newport and then New-York City to participate in a solo Transatlantic Race leaving May 29th for France and more precisely Les Sables d'Olonnes. We have some surprises for you regarding the race so stay tuned on social networks ;-)

New number on deck #8

Our new throttle level from Oceanvolt

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